Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Rest of our Weekend

As if the Inspiration Trip, driving to Connecticut and taking Fall Foliage pictures were not enough there was still more to our weekend
We always seem to jam lots into our visits with our children and
this weekend was no exception

I have to add something in here......
When we arrived in Connecticut it was kind of late because we did
not leave until after I came home from the Inspiration Trip
Everyone was asleep
On the kitchen counter were some pieces of a cut up pear
with a note that said

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
You can eat these pears.
Love, Marlie

I thought that was the cutest thing and I was so
touched - warm fuzzies for sure.....
Ellie (that is my younger granddaughter) just began Hebrew school
so this Sunday was her consecration service
That is where the children just beginning Sunday school are given
their "Torahs" and it is a lovely, short and sweet service
We were lucky enough to be there
The pictures are not great because we were sitting rather far back,
but Marlie (older granddaughter) did a great job of trying to
get some good photos

The picture is a little blurry, but here is that
"cutie patootie" holding her torah
this is the Rabbi walking around the synagogue with the "real" Torah
a very sacred and special tradition in the Jewish religion
this is Ellie as she was marching around the synagogue following the Rabbi and the Torah holding her "torah"
then when the Torah was placed back in the ark the Rabbi gathered
all the children in front of it and held a Tallit over all of them
and said a special prayer
At one point during the Service the Cantor sang a beautiful song and I would like to share the words with you

The World of Your Dreams

May your eyes shine with light of Torah,
And your face be radiant as the brightness of the sky.
May your lips speak words of wisdom,
And may the world you live in be the world of your dreams.

May you see your world created in your lifetime.
May you see your visions come to be.
May your hope touch every generation to come.
These are the prayers we have for you.

May you be blessed with understanding,
With wisdom and compassion in your heart.
May your tongue be filled with song,
And your lips sing out for justice.
These are the prayers we have for you.

I hope you are touched by this song as I was and maybe you
will share it with your child or grandchild or just enjoy it!

After the service we went out for lunch
Then back to the house
Ellie had a birthday party
We hung around the house and did "stuff"
and then it was time for Marlie's ballet practice
She is a wonderful dancer and has a part in her ballet company's
"The Nutcracker Suite"
I was excited to go because she said i could probably watch a little of
it from one of the curtains
Well, that lasted two minutes because we got "busted" 
(they really do not like anyone watching)
but i did get to see Marlie dance a little
She is so naturally graceful
Something you are born with - not taught

Here is a picture of Marlie I took when they were on a "break"
I know you cannot see her face but I love the picture

After this we had dinner together and then Michael and I headed home!
A short, but always wonderful visit with our children

And while we were in Connecticut our younger son, Jared,
took off for Dallas.......
He went with some friends to see the Dallas / Giants game on
Monday night football
He had an awesome time - the Giants won - and he said the stadium is gorgeous!!!
So everyone is happy and that is a good thing!

Until next post...........

Hugs and More,

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