Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Terrific Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday to everyone!
What did today have in store for me?
Here is where I went
Danielle sent away for tickets and today was the taping.
(stay tuned for when it airs....)
We had so much fun.
Nate is adorable and funny and full of personality
Here we are in the "holding" room!
Stacey, Danielle and Me!
We all got tickets for a broadway show, but you have
to go by tomorrow night and none of us can make it.
The show is "ELLING" starring Jennifer Coolidge
She is best known as "Stiffler's Mom" in American Pie and
she was also in Legally Blonde and many other movies.
I would have liked to go but the timing just did not work.
Jennifer was a guest on the show today -
The segment was about dogs!
This is Stacey and Danielle on our way out
We went to the Eatery for lunch and it was delicious
While I was at this taping, my dear friend Lois and her daughter Jamie
were in Chicago at the OPRAH show!!!
How amazing is that!
The show airs this Friday so be sure to watch it!
I received this in the mail when I arrived home
My dear, sweet friend Marianne found this ribbon and knew
I would love it so she sent me a wonderful present.
I love the ribbon and love her for thinking of me.

I then worked on getting my kits done for my Workshop this Saturday!
Here are a few pictures as I prepare
I do not want to show too many pictures in case anyone
taking the class is peeking!!
Here are some fabulous ribbons
One of their "surprise" boxes
more ribbons
and one more packet....
The class is sold-out and it should be so much fun!
Lunch will also be served but you will have to wait for
all the details until Sunday!!!

I will be posting more about my weekend...

Hugs and More,


  1. OMG OMG OMG 3 omgs! the kit looks so magnificent! i am SO happy i signed up for the class... so sorry i will not be there... maybe a private "class" over winter vacation (she hinted, with fingers crossed)? xxx

  2. Lynn
    Of course a private class is in order....
    and you can keep the book to use as a reference!! But with your talent you will not
    need any help!
    Hugs and More

  3. Gorgeous class kits and goodies! I love it. I have to come take one of your classes one day! Isn't Nate fun? Glad you had a great time Grace xoxox

  4. grace
    i would love for you to take a class with "us". we laugh and have a great time...
    nate is just adorable!!!!
    hugs and more
